Create a Subscribie theme

How to create a frontend theme for Subscribie.

Before you begin

Make sure you have already:

Create a new theme using Subscribie cli

1. Go to your root subscribie folder

cd subscribie

2. Create a new theme, based on jesmond theme

subscribie newtheme --name mynewtheme --base jesmond

The subscribie newtheme command will take a copy of the latest jesmond theme (from github) and rename it to the name you gave.

Find your new theme in your themes directory. If you want to use another theme as a base, look at the themes already in the Subscribie github organisation:

3. Edit your .env file to the new theme name

Take out the existing theme name and src for jesmond, and replace it with your own, removing the src attribute. For example:


4. Run your new theme

Run your subscribie site locally. During the output, you should see your theme name has changed to mynewtheme:

export FLASK_DEBUG=True
subscribie run
Theme name is: mytheme

Make some changes to your theme, and an reload. It will look exactly the same as jesmond to start with.