Install Subscribie CLI

The Subscribie command-line tool, allows you to run commands against a local subscribie site. It allows you to:

  • Initialise a new Subscribie project
  • Run a subscribie site locally
  • Change subscribie config settings
  • Create new themes using existing themes as a starting point

Before you begin

You must be using at least python version 3 and have the python package manager pip installed.

  • Python 3 or greater (Do python --version to find out your version)
  • Pip (python package installer)


If you’re on a Mac, make sure python3 (or python3.6, or python3.7) is in your PATH. MacOS 10.14 and above defaults to zsh so you need to edit your ~/.zshrc file to ensure python 3 (or above) is in your path. For example, at the bottom of your ~/.zshrc file:

nano ~/.zshrc
# Add python 3.7 to PATH:
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/karabeen/Library/Python/3.7/bin

Change accordingly to the python version you have installed on your mac (you must have at least python version 3). For bash, edit your ~/.bashrc file with the same edit at the bottom.

Install Subscribie CLI

pip3.6 install --user subscribiecli

Verify subscribie cli installation

When you type subscribie in your terminal, you should see output similar to:

Usage: subscribie [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  init       Initialise a new subscribie project
  initdb     Initialise the database
  migrate    Run latest migrations
  newtheme   Create new theme
  run        Run subscribie
  setconfig  Updates the which is stored in instance/

Basic subscribie Commands:

The most useful two commands are:

  • subscribie --help (shows help menu)
  • subscribie --setconfig --help (for changing config)
Usage: subscribie [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  init       Initialise a new subscribie project
  initdb     Initialise the database
  migrate    Run latest migrations
  newtheme   Create new theme
  run        Run subscribie
  setconfig  Updates the which is stored in instance/

Uninstall subscribie cli

# Uninstall
pip3.6 uninstall subscribiecli

What’s next

  • run-subscribie-website-locally